Monday, February 19, 2007


First off, I would like to alter or comment the content of my previous post. It certainly is slightly disparanging and is not a impartial point of view nor is it written in what I can only term proper, appropriate language required for debate.

However, I am not removing it as I fel perspective is required and it is an important reminder that in serious debate, one should not descend into condescending talk nor dispraranging factors.Perhaps at the end of the day I seek clarification from these passages I am not sure but I shall simply list all the major incidences (I'm leaving out the long list of Begeting and knowing because I think that falls under family tree research which can get uncertain considering the length of time.)

Well, I would like to tell a tale todayof brotherhood. A regrettably paraphrased version although my edition is the King James version (not the 21st nor the rechanged language one) and I will reference all the chapters used for the paraphrase.

(Genesis 25:10 - Genesis 29:0)

And so Abraham beget Issac and Issac married a woman named Rebekah and she had two sons. A big red hairy one named Esau who was a good huntsman and Jacob who was a plain man (average I am assuming) who dwelt in tents (affairs of the household). So Esau was the older and Jacob the younger although by a few seconds I guess.

One day, Esau came back faint from the hunt and near the brinkof death with hunger. He asked Jacob for some sod pottage. Jacob refused to give Esau sod pottage until Esau sold him his birthright. Esau, faint with hunger swore away his birthright to Jacob. And thus, and I quote "Esau despised his birthright".

Now, when Issac grew old and his eyesight dim (people are now living a lot less longer than they used to) he asked Esau to go and hunt some venison for him and he would be rewarded with a blessing. Rebekah, seemingly favouring Jacob instructs him to kill two kids (young goats) and serve the meat to his father before his brother comes back. To ensure that the father doesn't feel Jacob's hairless arms and suspect a ruse he (or Rebekah tells him to) put the kids (young goats!) skin upon his arms and the back oh neck and he was made hairy and so managed to decieve his father when he brought the food. His father, checking found that the skin was hairy but the voice was that of Jacobs. didn't wory. And having asked his son how he obtained the venison so soon recieved the answer "Genesis 26:20 - Because the Lord they God has brought it unto me".

His father feels that the son feels hairy, eats the meal, asks him once more if he is indeed Esau and recieves an affirmation proceeds to bless Jacob with the dew of heaven, the fatness of the earth and plenty of corn and wine. He blessed people to serve him and that the son's of his mother would curse any that would curse him and bless any that blessed him. Scarce had this dobne and Jacobleft when the real Esau came back and found all the blessings used up.

He pleaded with his father for a blessing and was granted the blessing of proficiency of arms (by thy sword shalt thou live) to serve his brother until Esau established his dominion and broke his brother's yoke on him by doing so. and so at the end (genesis 28) Issac dies and Esau swears to kill Jacob when theperiod of mourning is over and Jacob flees on the advise of his mother.

The end. (For now)


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