Sunday, March 18, 2007

Jacob's Compact

Genesis 28

Jacob flees home due to his brother Esau being displeased with his birth right having been stolen thus. Thus, having fled and going out to find a wife as well (none from those Cannanites mind. They ain't right don'tcher know) he left Beersheba and went towards Haran.

Where once night fell he simply stayed at the spot he had reached and slept there for the night with stones as his pillows. And God came to him a dream telling him how he would be fruitful and multiply (paraphrased) and how He/She/It would be with him always.

At any rate, Jacob awoke and was sore afraid for he didn't know that God was in this place. And I quote, (strangely by modern standards) said "How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God and this is the gate of heaven!"

Whereupon he calls this seemingly desolate landscape Bethel but we're told this desolate landscape has a name and it is a city called Luz. And he pours oil upon the stone he used a s a pillow intending it to be a foundation for a pillar in a temple to God.

All pretty good for someone in the middle of nowhere. Unless, he arrived at Luz and the writer's merely decided it wasn't worth mentioning until now in which case Jacob either slept on the outskirts or in a quiet (Alley probably) somewhere in the city. If only he took the packaged tours.

And Jacob then vowed that if God provided him with food and rainment and ensured that he could return to his father's home in peace then God would be his, well, God.

He then pledges to give back to God a tenth of whatever God gives him and thus the section ends.

Chapter noted for the city of Luz springing out of nowhere or writer's omission and the 10% of whatever God gives to them which could be a few years slavery as he let them get bound.


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